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Agroforestry Definitions in the New CAP

Policy Briefing #22 collates the definitions of agroforestry included by all Member States in their CAP Strategic Plans.  Some are detailed and include minimum and maximum numbers of trees per hectare, but usually without a definition of “tree”.   However, few of the definitions can lead to remotely-sensed identification of those parcels which are “agroforestry” and those which have too few trees to be considered as agroforestry.  Nevertheless, Member States are progressively adding more detail to their identification of Landscape Features (including individual trees, hedges and trees in groups and lines) and Non Productive Areas (GAEC-8) in their CAP…

Policy Briefing #22 collates the definitions of agroforestry included by all Member States in their CAP Strategic Plans.  Some are detailed and include minimum and maximum numbers of trees per hectare, but usually without a definition of “tree”.   However, few of the definitions can lead to remotely-sensed identification of those parcels which are “agroforestry” and those which have too few trees to be considered as agroforestry.  Nevertheless, Member States are progressively adding more detail to their identification of Landscape Features (including individual trees, hedges and trees in groups and lines) and Non Productive Areas (GAEC-8) in their CAP Land Parcel Identification Systems. This detail is also needed to measure compliance with the 10% target in the Biodiversity Strategy and Nature Restoration Law (see Briefings ##18 and  #21).  It should be possible for  Member States to propose a % threshold tree-crown cover (actual or potential) which would be used to distinguish agroforestry parcels in the CAP and also in LULUCF accounting of GHG emissions.  Several Member States have taken advantage of the flexibility offered in the Strategic Plan Regulation to define “permanent grassland” to include areas which are predominantly covered by shrubs which can be grazed or cut for fodder.  These include areas which could also be considered as agroforestry.

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