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Strengthening agroforestry and carbon farming policies: tools for policy-makers Objectives Milestones Deliverables

Strengthening agroforestry and carbon farming policies: tools for policy-makers


  • Consult and report on agroforestry policies in the CAP 2014-23 and the CAP Strategic Plans (2023-28) and disseminate lessons learned (EU, UK, CH)
  • Propose techniques for greater inclusion of agroforestry impacts on an extended “standard” list of indicators for CAP and environmental monitoring
  • Make recommendations for standardization to policymakers by reviewing national policies (EU, UK, CH) to inventory Trees outside Forests (ToF), reporting the degree to which Member State include agroforestry in their AFOLU (Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use) reporting of emissions and tracking emerging national and voluntary policies for Carbon Farming (EU, UK, CH) in comparison to international best-practices
  • Include agroforestry and JRC (Joint Research Centre) Carbon Calculator apps into the LPIS (Land Parcel Information System)/GIS (Geographic Information System) framework to model the impact of different policies on the economics, environment and carbon-sequestration


  • Milestone 1: database created of all existing policies in the Member States
  • Milestone 2: database of policies on agroforestry, Landscape Features and Carbon Farming in CAP Strategic Plans
  • Milestone 3: evaluation of the Fast platform
  • Milestone 4: protocol and a strategy to hold farm scale data for the JRC Carbon Calculator and agri-environmental indices
  • Milestone 5: updated open-access version of JRC Carbon Calculator code
  • Milestone 6: IACS/LPIS information is available
  • Milestone 7: database of available voluntary and statutory MRV (Measurement, Reporting and Verification) protocols


  • Deliverable 1.1: Evaluation of announced national CAP Strategic Plan measures for establishment and maintenance of agroforestry and Landscape Features
  • Deliverable 1.2: Report and database on availability of agri-environmental indices in Member States at NUTS3 and options for data collection at farm scale
  • Deliverable 1.3: Evaluation and recommendations on methods used by Member States to record agroforestry areas and GHG emissions
  • Deliverable 1.4: AF-LPIS spatial policy models implemented for use in Living Labs
  • Deliverable 1.5: Policies and MRV models for carbon farming in the voluntary and statutory sectors
  • Deliverable 1.6: Evaluation of implementation of national CAP Strategic Plan measures for the establishment and maintenance of agroforestry and Landscape Features