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Work Packages

The project activities have been organized into six Work Packages (WP). Each Work Package, led by one of the partners, has defined objectives, milestones, deliverables, and tasks in support of the overall goals of DigitAF. Work Package 1 – Strengthening agroforestry and carbon farming policies: tools for policy-makers WP1 is about the analysis and summary of policies and future plans for agroforestry policy support in the CAP, the result, impact and agri-environmental indicators for policy monitoring, the national policies for assessing the surface area and emissions of agroforestry and landscape features, the policies for Carbon Farming in the statutory…

The project activities have been organized into six Work Packages (WP). Each Work Package, led by one of the partners, has defined objectives, milestones, deliverables, and tasks in support of the overall goals of DigitAF.

Work Package 1 – Strengthening agroforestry and carbon farming policies: tools for policy-makers

WP1 is about the analysis and summary of policies and future plans for agroforestry policy support in the CAP, the result, impact and agri-environmental indicators for policy monitoring, the national policies for assessing the surface area and emissions of agroforestry and landscape features, the policies for Carbon Farming in the statutory and voluntary sectors, and the integration of DigitAF environmental and economic apps with the LPIS (Land Parcel Identification System).

WP Leader: EURAF

Work Package 2 – Optimizing agroforestry design and management: tools for practitioners and farm advisors

WP2 will provide suitable models and DSS tools, i.e. tools directly usable by farmers and other relevant actors engaging with agroforestry implementation, to deal with the complexity of agroforestry systems and make informed decisions while designing and managing agroforestry systems on a day-to-day operational basis at field and farm scale.

WP Leader: EV ILVO

Work Package 3 – Accounting agroforestry benefits: tools for beneficiaries in agroforestry value chains

WP3 will verify and account the agroforestry practices benefits for beneficiaries in the value chain. It will enhance capacities of actors to identify and account for the economic, environmental and social performance of agroforestry.

WP Leader: CRAN

Work Package 4 – Bringing interactions between actors to a new level: Living Labs and a common agroforestry toolbox

WP4 offers, facilitates, and (re)designs interaction and communication platforms between stakeholders (Living Labs),(open-source) data and agroforestry tools into a DigitAF-Virtual-Space.


Work Package 5 – Getting actors to act: dissemination, exploitation and communication

WP5 will establish and implement an effective dissemination, communication, and exploitation strategy.

WP Leader: reNature

Work Package 6 – Project management

WP6 will ensure efficient coordination and communication of the consortium with the European Commission and relevant stakeholders throughout the project, ensure an efficient technical, administrative and financial management of the project, and foresee any risks of delay and set up mitigation plans and corrective actions.

WP Leader: INRAE