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Country: Germany DeFAF (Deutscher Fachverband für Agroforstwirtschaft) is committed to all concerns regarding the establishment, management, dissemination and promotion of agroforestry systems. Founded in 2019 as a registered NGO, DeFAF has >330 members. Together with the board and the advisory council, its grass-root ambition relies largely on voluntary contributions of its members, coordinated and supported by 8 members of staff. DeFAF’s main fields of action are the provisioning of information, preliminary advisory services, networking activities between practitioners, the sciences and politics, including policy related research.

Country: Germany

DeFAF (Deutscher Fachverband für Agroforstwirtschaft) is committed to all concerns regarding the establishment, management, dissemination and promotion of agroforestry systems. Founded in 2019 as a registered NGO, DeFAF has >330 members. Together with the board and the advisory council, its grass-root ambition relies largely on voluntary contributions of its members, coordinated and supported by 8 members of staff. DeFAF’s main fields of action are the provisioning of information, preliminary advisory services, networking activities between practitioners, the sciences and politics, including policy related research.